I came home to find E in big trouble. While upstairs alone while dad worked on straightening up the house, E had helped himself to the first aid kit. And he had used each and every one of the super-cool Transformer band-aids I bought for him the previous day. Each little finger was wrapped carefully in a band-aid. But to get it right, it had taken several attempts- and every one of the bandages. He had diligently kept at it until he was happy with the result. He had even taken my trashcan down from its perch and carefully placed the trash/evidence in the can. Apparently, when dad found E, dad was really angry. E told me that he was in big trouble and dad said no more cool band-aids for a long time.
This is how he felt about being in such big trouble and no more cool band-aids.

But his is how the really felt about his handy work!

He left them on for four days and enjoyed every minute of it!

I have to admit, I secretly love that he did this. That he loved the band-aids so much that he felt compelled to use them all in one day. That he worked so hard at it. That he wrapped each finger and thumb. Little do they know that I have another package of Transformer band-aids in the medicine cabinet!!!
God, I love that kid! Kim
ReplyDeleteWe had to make a rule in our house: no bandaids, unless there's blood. The end result is that Madeleine is much less sad when her scrapes are bloody! Sara K.