E has been such a joy in my life. He is wonderful, spirited, and challenging. One moment he is cuddling and laughing, the next he rages at the injustice of not getting to sleep in my bed every night. He makes faces to entertain us...

...and is fast asleep within minutes, hands folded in what reminds me of prayer. (Yes, he is in my bed- his injustice argument was quite compelling.)
He stands up for himself and insists on being heard. While never mean-spirited, his honesty can be disarming. I love his kindness, his passion, his tirades, his wit- all of him, unconditionally. If any one piece was missing, he wouldn't be his wonderful little self.
And this has helped me know myself better. Perhaps more than my other children, E has shown me what I must have been like as a child. Like E, I am made up of contradictions. I feel everything deeply- love, anger, joy, hurt. I need to express it and must be heard, then I can move forward. Thank you, E, for being you and for being a little me.
And this has helped me know myself better. Perhaps more than my other children, E has shown me what I must have been like as a child. Like E, I am made up of contradictions. I feel everything deeply- love, anger, joy, hurt. I need to express it and must be heard, then I can move forward. Thank you, E, for being you and for being a little me.
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