As a child, I loved the book The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats. I had no memory of experiencing snow (though I must have in Rhode Island from birth to age 3). I loved the part about thwacking a snow covered tree and the "plop" of the snow. It is that kind of day today. Thick, wet snow weighs down the apple tree branches in our backyard. You can see your foot prints on our unshovel walk. I've come to expect the first snow around Halloween and look forward to it each year.
Today Jax and E jumped up and down on our bed in a circle, hands clasped, laughing and hooting. Why? SNOW DAY! It is an imagine I hope to always remember- the unselfconscious joy of it, the thrill of breaking routine, the excitement of the day to come. By day's end we no doubt will have had tears and squabbles, but for that moment nothing seemed better than brothers at home on a school day with endless possibilities ahead.
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